Wednesday, December 16, 2009
They have successfully shut down the oil companies from functioning within the U.S. borders, they're working on kneecapping the health care industry, they're trying to kneecap other manufacturing with pollution mandates, they're trying to kneecap banking and Wall Street.
This country is being brought to its knees by this political party, and marches onward to a one party dictatorship with increasing fervor.
And you can see how they are ignoring the peoples wishes and complaints. Complain and you are labeled a Nazi, by the very people that are performing like Nazi's in their every action.
Our country and way of life is under serious threat by this Party and its leaders. Examine any functioning dictatorship you know of today, and you will discover many similarities between their people and their government.
"What we have here is a president who views trade policy as nothing more than a tool to advance his own political standing with groups that are hostile to commerce."
Daniel Ikenson, analyst with the Cato Institute
Thursday, November 12, 2009
As the Ft. Hood tragedy illustrates, the United States education system is in horrible shape. People are being indoctrinated, not educated. And the educators, themselves, are extreme fanatics of some sort, that are teaching their own agenda to an ever increasing number of subjects that will swallow anything to get a passing grade.
There's going to have to be some very tragic circumstances to reverse this trend.
History dictates.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The main reason Federal Health Care will be a disaster is simply because the Federal Government cannot run anything that resembles a business in a business like manner;
Show one Federal program that has been successfully administered?
…………………………………………………… I didn’t think so.
And people think that these incompetent politicians can run any enterprise?
And obviously, many people are engaged in our demise on a daily basis. Many are openly working on it. How about the terrorist in the White House that apologizes and berates America? And others that illustrate and orate their hate for our Nation?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Can muslims think of this as a hate crime? No; To be politically correct in Islam, you must slay the infidel.
This attack was within the teachings of the Qur'an.
Hasan is being hailed as a hero by mullahs, since he had the will to carry out his tenets.
How many more are there like him? Every single muslim has this potential. That's the purpose of their "religion".
Anyone whom has done the research knows that Islam is not a "religion", but a philosophy for a battle plan.
Friday, November 6, 2009
When you need a complete, up to date example of what an incompetent, arrogant, ignorant, and immature individual looks like, you have to look no further than the current Commander in Chief of the United States of America.
I think that Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan and Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetero) have many similarities;
They appear to be stable individuals on the surface; But turmoil is boiling up in their heads. This type of person exacts their revenge on what they consider, the "enemy", at some point.
I'm waiting for Obama to start shouting "Allahu Akbar" any day now.
If it walks like a muslim, talks like a muslim, behaves like a muslim, and comes from muslim childhood, is it a christian? Oh, right! We must not offend!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
"Mandate", in this sense, means that this Congress shall force all states to comply with their healthcare legislation, and that not complying is a federal offense.
Congress is way outside it's authority here; The states have the right, at present, to facilitate health care coverage providers whom operate nationally, and some internationally.
This Congress and administration is forcing its "mandate" onto the states to comply with its wishes or face economic sanctions; In a word, blackmail. This Democrat Congress is using stimulus money to the states, like a drug dealer uses crack on his customers.
If Congress facilitates a "federal healthcare plan" that is optional to the states, in addition to their already existing health care providers, this would be within the federal governments Constitutional guidelines.
But, as anyone can see, this is not what Congress or the administration wants.
This legislation is an expression by Obama, to display his personal prowess in getting his way. And a display by this Democrat controlled Congress to show that they have whatever power they wish to exercise on the states, since they hold the states in debt to the federal government.
This is opposite from the way the Constitution delineates states rights.
Monday, October 19, 2009
What more proof does any one need that this is what their intentions are? They've attacked ordinary citizens with their appointed lackeys, for questioning them face to face and having the news report these encounters. They're using the racial animosity to create hatred against anyone that crosses their paths, and using their authority to appoint criminals that are using federal tax money to purchase sympathetic voter blocks, unions, and individuals.
This administration is creating the face of 21st century Communism. These people are nothing but average gangster punks with government backing, both psychologically and monetarily. Displaying, every day, how they will plow over any citizen, business, or organization, that does not agree and support them.
How the present situation is to be rectified without a full scale revolution, may not be possible.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Just like Bush; Although, NO ONE WILL ADMIT IT; He has done nothing to stop the wars the United States is involved in that he inherited from the Bush administration. Guantanamo Bay, the terrorist prison camp, is still in business!
And Obama, the Nobel Committee, and Obama's state managed media, will lie about this fact to their graves.
How many War Time Presidents have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
The dumming down of our nation is just about complete.
If you don’t believe me, read the book by Charlotte Iserbyt, Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration.
Monday, October 12, 2009
With the awarding of the Peace Prize to him for accomplishing virtually nothing, we might be better off with Jimmah Cahtah back in the White House; He is still eligible for another term, and at least he had some merit attached to his Nobel prize. And Ahmadinejad would just LOVE to be a guest at Camp David.
What do you think?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
If the attitude from the Not-So-Nobel Committee is sincere in it’s rewarding peacekeeping efforts and warm fuzzies for the world, Why hasn’t the United Nations been awarded, instead of Obama? It is responsible for the "peaceful" assembly for some of the worlds most vicious terrorists.
But, then again, the Prize has been named after a scientist whom invented an explosive that has caused the destruction of innumerable lives and property damage-Which Obama is in process of accomplishing; Perhaps the Nobel Committee is clairvoyant!
Friday, October 9, 2009
My dear readers:
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
So I’m racist; What? Me worry? People, someone is going to call me SOMETHING; Label me SOMEHOW; (There's now a label for everyone!) That's comforting to them to be able to classify me, so they think they understand all there is to know about me. What ignorant fools, they are trying to make us! A good belly laugh is therapeutic for me! I’ll laugh at what I think is funny, and I could not care less if someone’s feelings get hurt, because,
We don’t have to be in love and court everybody! If this trend keeps up, We the People are going to become nothing but taxpaying amoeba.
I don't know about you, but, I have a life to live, and you can bet your ass it will be like a rational, intelligent human being!
Monday, October 5, 2009
This is a time when we should be trying to promote our honorable intentions and perform as a leader for foreign countries and our allies.
Barack the Speaker has the media eating any feces he holds out to them in his hand.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Iran's Suicide Plan.
Monday, September 28, 2009
This may be a rehearsal, by Congress, for how they intend to force the re-election of "Barack the Speaker" in 2012.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
This is a war between the people of the United States getting the correct, unbiased news, the main stream media that has sold its soul to the devil (or Obama, whichever is more lucrative at the moment), and a Congress that harbors its criminals and criminal activity. And these two entities are stealing funds from the very people they wish to battle. This is worse than getting mugged; At least when you are mugged, the mugger runs off after they rob you, but these perps will not go away. They are like gangs that establish themselves in your neighborhood.
We the People have not really decided to get rid of these thieves, and there will always be individuals that will succumb to their dominance and veiled threats. And some may feel the glory achieved by joining them is greater reward. Many will not be deterred from their voyage to doom; I am at a loss for an appropriate Shakespearean comment here, but I know there is one that applies. Instilling moral and mental anguish into the progressives/liberals is all but impossible.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Obama's the Gelding!
Yea; Obama's mettle comforts the foolish.
What puzzles me is; Why are these people so hell bent on destroying the very establishment that enabled them to attain their current status? Are they expecting 70 virgins, or what?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
And this enthusiasm for "What can the Government do for Me" is fomenting impotence.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Running List of Media & Articles Aimed at Inciting Race Riots;
Monday, September 14, 2009
Thou Shalt Not Protest ObamaScare!
That should put him over the top!
But, lets be serious; Protesting against ObamaScare is actually "racist" behavior and can be punished by Eric Holders Medieval Knights.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
ObamaScare part 2, or 3, or 4.
Everybody in Congress is talking about his "bill", but not one has one from him in writing that can be previewed and debated descriptively. Any time a detail is debated on it's face, "they" say it can be changed to accommodate; Therefore, there's NO PLAN YET.
With Congress forging ahead without even listening to the people's arguments, why would anyone trust these LIARS?
They're spending money like drunken sailors now, and continually say "We can spend more and make things better"; Who's believing this bull crap?
I don't think anyone believes it, but Obama's soldiers will march into the volcano to support him.
We the People have to get more active and vocal to demonstrate our condemnation of their total irresponsible governing.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Are You Convinced Yet?
WE HAVE TO GET RID OF THESE CRIMINALS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! The future of the United States depends on it.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Obama's New Conspiracy Theory!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
ObamaCare Edict
Thursday, August 27, 2009 ROAD TO SERFDOM.
EVERYTHING is centralizing around Obama and his so called czars.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
This is more than insanity; It’s downright STUPID! If anything, the people of the United States should be on a steadfast campaign to reverse this trend, and reduce the size of the government to bring Congressional powers back to the limit that the Constitution constrains their powers to be. If this is undertaken, then America can return to the nation it has been in leading technology through individual innovation and reward. If not, then the people of the United States shall live under the umbrella of the Government that shall strangle them and their descendants to death at a very slow pace.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Most Perfect Union of All!
The current U.S. Government is exactly like any union I ever belonged to; 1. Take your money, 2. make airy promises, 3. do whatever they want, with money and legislation, to advance the union at the expense of its members.
“We the People” now is “We the Governed”.
Welcome to the New Totalitarianism.
Are we a “More Perfect Union” yet?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Obama, and his pandering media, are on a steadfast march, to Socialize and nationalize our entire country. And enrich themselves in the process.
They are incorporating the "abuse of reason" to attack the present state of debate.
The dichotomy cannot be more clear; Either you are a soldier of Obama, or you are a soldier of freedom.
We need to keep the U.S. Government out of any more involvement, in the peoples healthcare.
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Apology for Whom?
And The Prince of Incompetence wants to "give the country back to it's rightful owners". My guess is, he does not mean the Indians, Eskimos, Mexicans, nor Pilgrims that fought for this country.
And like all the other wonderful statements The Prince of Incompetence makes, no one challenges him on what he really means; Just lets people go about their warm, fluffy daydreams.
So, lets be honest; He's apologizing for the White Mans ability to overcome poverty and pestilence, war and famine, and create a revered industrial complex, second to none on this earth.
And "rightful owners" means the individuals in this society, today, that still believe welfare is the way to personal wealth.
All you have to do to display the proof to these statements, is listen to what he has said in his first six months in office, and what he has done with his use of the white people under his influence.
As you can see, he's stirring up racial tensions, again, in a way that hasn't been seen for 30 years.
So, if anything, he's no messiah; the reverse may be asshat.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The New Crusade!
Yea; It is looking bleak. The largest group of lying thieves EVER in Congress; And a media just as full of lies and deceit as the current administration; Passing(?) (ramming through, unilaterally) legislation(?) (ultimatums) that is more costly, raises taxes, and does not comply with the overwhelming opinion of the electorate; And we aint seen nothing yet. These lying thieves are going to start attacking the freedom of the press next, to attack the freedom of speech from the flank. You have already witnessed how they will attack, blaspheme, ruthlessly investigate, and denigrate individuals and families, whom have nothing but a disagreement with their ideas. Really low, but, they’ll get lower to accomplish their ultimatums.
Are these goons getting counseled in this strategy from Russia? The Taliban? Kim Jong Il? Can’t be too far off.
Friday, August 7, 2009
What The People Want?
At this point in this conflict, the only thing missing is battered citizens and dead citizens that dare to confront these commies. And with the orchestrated efforts of the main stream media pouring out the propaganda for them, the U. S. looks more like Georgia than the United States of America.
Maybe those Russian subs are just confused by the politics, censure, propaganda, and lies taking place here on a daily basis. Looks like Georgia getting rowdy again.
Didn't something like this happen in Iran in the recent past? The party in power and the media covered everything up just like they're doing here, now! But, what government will condemn this action? Apparently not ours!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
White House Peace Summit!
Friday, July 31, 2009
White House Mafioso at Work.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Obama's Socialist Movenent.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
What's Wrong With This Picture?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
U.S. Main Stream Media Promotes Obama's Socialism.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Conceal/carry Gun Accidents.
Sure; Training and certificates are good, but don't eliminate stupidity.
There are guns made that have built in safety features that prevent any firing without these safety features engaged by the user. These have been successfully used by law enforcement which have a perfect record for safety to date. And safety features that prevent the attempted firing by the uneducated user. Thus saving accidental injury and deaths.
If I had my concealed weapon on me a bathroom stall, and a shot came at me from the adjacent stall, I'd probably take a few shots at the stall the shot came from. Concealed carry permits you to fire back. Answering lethal force with lethal force.
I wonder how many of these scenarios have been responded to by the police? And probably written up as drug related gun fights.
As with drivers training, pistol and revolver training needs to be completed. A person who applies for a conceal/carry permit should prove proficiency in handling and actually firing the weapon they want to carry. (Yea; More laws.)
All we need is one more law that says "If you need to be informed about everything that could hurt somebody or yourself, then you don't get any privileges."
(Can you see the media and the Liberals screaming?)
They say guns kill people; Well, mine must be defective; Because they've never killed anybody.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
How Secure Is Our Congress?
Do you feel these people deserve U.S. Security clearances? The people of the United States of America are being sold, (and robbed) by these Congressmen, and no one seems to really care.
When I was in the military, if an enlisted man had any unpaid taxes or made statements against the country or government, their security clearance would be revoked, and they would be further scrutinized as a security threat.
What does it take to get people to realize the grave circumstances we face, if this activity is not stopped? Continuing this practice will result in another disaster like "9/11", only on a larger scale. So, when this happens, what will the Prince of Incompetence in the White House apologize for?
Monday, June 29, 2009
Tell Schwarzenegger to Take a Hike
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Pajamas Media Promotes Gay Marriage!
Pajamas Media Censoring ME?
Friday, June 19, 2009
Our Failing Society.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Our Presidential Education!
This evidence, to anyone whom has been educated to criticize and evaluate, like a scientist or engineer, speaks loud and clear that the future of the United States, in the hands and under the power and influence of these incompetents, is in severe jeopardy.
There is nothing more stunning or awakening that can take place, with the people in power, that indicates a severe change in the security of the future for the people involved.
Anyone, with the resources to read these words, has the easiest medium at hand, to investigate, to their hearts content, the truth to this premise.
With leaders and worshipers, as we now have in the United States of America, the United States of America is doomed to be treated with little respect, by our allies, and taken advantage of, by our enemies, since we appear, and are displaying, a soft, vulnerable, foolish, naive belief, that the world is really a friendly place.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Free Speech, Use It Or Lose It!
If We the People don't blog the true feelings of the dissenters, this news will die a quiet death.
Obama and his media think they can control our every emotion and thought.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Obama Rules!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Banned by Google and Hot Air!
Obama's going to get you too! Wait and see!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Obama and His Ship of Fools.
Obama spanked big business and the CEO's with one hand, stuffed their pockets with a lot of cash with the other hand, and is creating a government run entity where everyone, supporters and non-supporters alike, are going to have to be taxed even more to prop up these businesses and CEO's in the future.
In other words, Obama is making fools out of his supporters. He is NOT redistributing any wealth; Does anyone think they will see any of that money again? Not a chance.
In his, and Congresses rush, to "FIX" everything, they have squandered trillions of taxpayers cash that could have gone to education, health care, environmental improvement and protection, energy, etc.
Laws and legislation are already on the books to deal with businesses and individuals who cannot make all their payments and keep current on their debts. It is called "bankruptcy". It is meant to HELP anyone, businesses and individuals alike, to restructure their debts, and catch up to, and keep current with, what they have not been able to pay. Many, many, individuals and businesses alike have gone through bankruptcy and come out with all their bills paid and repaired their credit ratings.
Another way Obama and Congress is making fools out of the American People, is by letting these CEO's and companies take government money (our money), without any repayment structure. This avoids bankruptcy, which would force companies to supply detailed documentation of ALL THEIR FINANCES AND ASSETS. This is a basic function of bankruptcy-detailed disclosure of all assets to enable a bankruptcy judge, and trustee, to determine a payment structure to all creditors. This plan, approved by the judge and trustee, enables the companies and individuals involved, to get repaid for their products and services, by the owing parties. If the repayment plan is completed, no one loses. Every one is repaid, and a credit rating can be repaired.
So; Obama is helping these CEO's and businesses hide all their assets and get free bailout money in addition. The American People are getting screwed by Obama and these Companies.
Of course, Obama and Congress also see the potential for "buying" votes and constituents.
The main stream media is also complicit in making fools out of the American People for not exposing these facts.
I really cannot understand why anyone would entrust this Congress and Obama to get away with making fools out of so many good Americans. Some people choose to be fools, I guess.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Obama Educated?
Obama’s the prime example of the basic dis-function of the U.S. education system; (Also known as Day Care for Adults). He’s got diplomas for attendance. That’s the bottom line for our “political activist industry”. Indoctrinate individuals with how valuable and charming they are, regardless of their intelligence or competence; Of which the latter is completely missing from our Campaigner in Chief. Obama's been coddled his entire life. This is the direction the U.S. education system has taken since the 1970's. It has been determined, before then, that certain individuals cannot be educated; They do not have the capacity to LEARN. I think Obama has demonstrated, quite convincingly, he is one of these individuals. And he has remarked to other Senators that "he has a gift".
If there ever was an answer to the prayer "God help us", it should be soon.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Google Sanctioning ME!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
States Rights and the Constitution.
Monday, April 6, 2009
My Apology for Obama! (Update: For Biden, too!)
As a natural born U.S. citizen, retired U.S. Government Employee, and enlisted veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces during the Viet Nam era,
They may be President and vice President of the U.S., BUT THEY DO NOT REPRESENT ME!!!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Obamanation Approval Rating.
Overall, the country would be better off being administered by Rush Limbaugh than Barack Obama.
As of 03/11/2009.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Obama Party Symbol!
In the Obama Party (The new religious and political party for the Obama worshipers), the goat is their symbol.
These new militants are positioning for takeover on what's going to be left of North America. It's jihad for Obama..
Medias Illusions for the Ignorant.
The media in this country, thinks it can drive any agenda it wants. And at the present, the media is only bolstering its pandering to Obama.
There are too many people, without mental courage, willing to be led to the fountain of ignorance.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Our "Pimp in Chief".
Friday, February 13, 2009
Cross Dressing Mullah.
1. Fomenting the hatred of our society, like a mullah.
2. Pandering to Islam like a mullah.
3. Throwing OUR money around like a mullah.
4. Propagandizing his manifestos like a mullah.
Our Glorious Congress!
Dems are using this to keep Repubs out of conference. "Don't ask if you can attend, and don't tell us what you want.
Too bad Abraham Lincoln isn't around today; He'd put these idiots in jail for High Treason. We are being governed by traitors, felons, and pantywaists.
Any Republican dumb enough to approve this "stimulus" would be dumb enough to approve international flights for Al Qaeda Airlines.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Our Love Affair With Obama.
Obama-Certifiable Lunatic.
Islam has attempted to infiltrate and commandeer every civilized society since the beginning of time. Islam is at war with itself. It destroys everything it comes in contact with. Another name for this phenomenon is DISEASE.
The "Campaigner in Chief" believes he can "lay hands" on anything, make it better and comply with his wishes. How much longer will it be before we find out this idiot is seriously, mentally ill.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Obama is still a Suckling!
After all, they are trying to bleed "We The People". And with all this comedy going on, who in the world respects us?
Ask our best historians what we are respected for. It's not Opra-Bama.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
No Stimulus Debate!!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
EEO Boy Obama
The PROBLEMS are just starting. We The People shall regret this Coronation forever.
Our "Campaigner in Chief".
Obama's New Style-Radical Socialism.
Friday, February 6, 2009
New Drive-thru @ U. S. Congress
Friday, January 30, 2009
Obama's "New Class" of American
"His Emptiness" is passing out cash to whomever shall support him and his party with votes and donations. This is just recycling the cash to the Dumocrat coffers. This is economical warfare on "We The People", the taxpayers. And it's retribution for the past eight years.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Economic Policy of "His Emptiness".
If it doesn't turn the economy and stock market into positives, they claim they are doing their best; If it does turn to positives, they claim credit. Either way, they'll claim they were responsible for the positive result and have more voting blocks indebted to them. They are positioning for more "pay to play". They are showing the world who has control of the purse strings, and the power to make or break.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Barack is more than an empty suit; He's more like a black hole that creates a vacuum. "His Emptiness", is how I shall address him from now on.
This Democracy has a lot of work to do in the next four years to protect itself from "His Emptiness".
Friday, January 23, 2009
Any F-ing Terrorist
He should be treated with the accordance of the Geneva Convention? You are patently stupid.
The Geneva Convention ONLYpertains to “Conventional Soldiers”.They wear a recognizable uniform, and other identifying material. And they will affirm that they are a national of a valid country.
Since these “terrorists” do not choose to comply with any provisions of the Geneva Convention, Thus their “Illegal” stature.
The Geneva Convention is outdated, and outmoded in today’s military engagements. Any valid government, (Especially the United States) should contrive a treatise that deals with these “illegal/unlawful combatants”. And any sympathizers should be imprisoned with them.
Barack The Magic Negro President
And D.C. shall be renamed PELOSIWOOD, in honor of the Queen Bee. I can't wait to get my Obama license tag. Just think; Four glorious years of Obamathon. I can turn off the furnace now. Chanting Obama just makes me so warm and fuzzy. Oh, wait; Thats nausea. HAAAACK!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Our New National Symbol
Obama doesn’t know what patriotism is. He has no fortitude, and he’s afraid to make a decision. He is only where he is based on his chosen race. He could have chosen white instead of black. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear and you can’t make a president out of a wimp.
This person shall be the weakest president ever.
Jan 18, 2009 - 6:03 am
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Four More Years of "Honest Mistakes"!
“We The People” need to find a more direct method of protest, by consensus, that has a direct effect on the politicians. Obviously, as it is now, politicians can readily ignore consensus. And it has been the politicians ultimate objective to suppress dissension. And the media might even call dissension HATRED!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Obama's Stimulus Package
More News You Can Believe In!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Looking for Obama's new politics?
Obama a leader? Of What? When? Leader of the Free World? You shall see how much of an embarrassment that will turn out to be. Sure, since you voted for this candidate, you think he will make your vote worthwhile. You’ll be disappointed shortly.
Having worked in the U.S. Government for more than 20 years, I’ve seen a multitude of “candidates” appointed to upper level positions that could not fulfill the requirements of the position. Like Obama, they had an impressive resume. This is nothing but an “affirmative action” appointment. His decisions are the results of a “Committee” which has been purchased specifically for the purpose of fulfilling the Democrat play book.
Obama’s no more than a puppet with a good voice. If he were a leader, he could speak without a tele-prompter and make his own evaluations and decisions. If Obama makes any decision of his own in this term, “We The People” are in trouble. He hasn’t shown any expertise in anything to date, besides public speaking, which anyone with the desire, can master at your local community college.
Obama was voted in simply because he was viewed as the least harmful of the available candidates. And, naturally, he’ll have a lot of support, because no one wants to be embarrassed.
Somewhere in Vegas they’re betting he’s a one term (if he makes it that far) selection.
(The next day the New York Times does an article on Obama being a one term candidate)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Fomenting Hatred in the E.U.
Friday, January 9, 2009
What is Islam trying to Accomplish?
1. Is there anywhere in the world where Islam is living peacefully?
2. Is there anywhere Islam is making any attempt to assimilate?
3. Is there anywhere where Islam is welcoming anyone into a civilized dialogue?
4. Is there anywhere Mohammedans are taking overt action against any violent factions?
5. Is there anywhere you can illustrate that Islam is trying to converge with "modern civilization and societies"?
6. Are there any Mohammedan factions that do not try to brainwash, indoctrinate, and victimize their faithful, sons and daughters?
I view Islam like a weed; Ancient and unalterable. It even puts out a flower to make itself look attractive, but this flower is only for the purpose of propagation. Like all weeds, it has to be controlled and sometimes eradicated. Even when you think it has been eradicated, it finds it's way back.
Authors Bernard W. Lewis and Robert Spencer have done extensive research and writings on Islam and it's teachings, and are two of the best sources available.
Karl Marx called "religion" the "Opiate of the masses". No one can deny that Islam is trying to live and die to prove this.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
School was ammunition bunker for terrorists!
So, is there supposed to be a surprise here?
More Obama Incompetence Strikes "We The People".
Stay tuned; I'm sure there's lots more to come from this circus!
Support for Hamas?
(Click article title for full article)
“All’s fair in love and war.” And do not be mislead that all that is posted and printed by any Arabic sympathetic media is any where close to truth.
With the past displays of Islamic terrorism posted on the internet, we are aware that these pagans are using the internet as part of their battlefront. I’m not surprised that they hide behind women and children. And it would not be the first time they murdered their own and paraded the “news” that some one else was to blame.
This is a large part of what their warfare is all about.
See also: "Hamas sacrifices it's people for publicity."
Monday, January 5, 2009
Here's how Democrats have been undermining black independence.
Clear evidence that the Democrats are to blame for undermining black development and independence in the U.S.A. And further evidence that Democrats believe themselves high priests for absolving America of it's "White Guilt".
Sadly, it also illustrates that blacks in America are ready to jump on the "White Guilt" bus and ride it for whatever it's worth.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
California Will Be Bankrupt Before General Motors
Bailouts have to stop somewhere, and bankruptcy's (financial restructuring) have to start sometime. Some one has to be the victim (model) for restructuring. The financial crises taking place in big business is a result of poor management practices and forecasting, and the financial crises taking place in local, state, and federal government are the result of poorly educated, grossly incompetent, illicit, and outright criminal legislators.
These Democrats in power at this time, are acting as if their is no limit to the money available to them, or bottoms to their (OUR) pockets. And the main stream media is complicit in the propaganda that times are so bad. The main stream media shall also follow the Democrat Play Book in blaming the GOP for gross mismanagement, and publish this nonsense at such an enormous and relentless rate, that many people think it to be true.
Let California be the example. California has been a pioneer in much of the countries innovation. Let's not deprive them of that privilege. And don't forget that this state has been spending money on entitlements for illegal immigrants like drunken sailors. As far as California or any other company or organization, there are sources, such as The World Bank, that make loans. Any government lending or grants or gifts come with conditions whether obviously implied or not. The political party in power, whom considers itself the benefactor, expects, and shall recover, political favors and contributions. This truth is, and has been widely published.
"We The People" are the victims of this criminal activity. "We The People" should insist that this activity cease immediately, if not sooner.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Hamas sacrifices its people for publicity.
See also;