Thursday, September 15, 2011


Here are several foreboding articles that tell what a multitude of people have been saying about Barrack Hussein Obama for more than 6 years. 

And more recently, there's been discussion about activating our National Guard to quell public reaction to his Party's dictatorship. Actually, calling on the Public Sector Unions would accomplish the same result, and Obama has already shown his support for them in the Wisconsin demonstrations, and told them to "get in their faces". They would all take their commands from the same source, and have the same authority bestowed on them. The Public Sector Unions could be a tool to inflame more civil unrest to justify a National Guard response.
Even though I am not a survivor of Communism or any communist country, I knew Obama was a dictator when I first heard him speak. He intends to take America into a communist type of government through the ignorance and complicity of the Democrat Party and the Radical Liberals that have been infiltrating Our Government for the last 60 years.
California is an exemplary model of the future of America if the Radical Liberals get their wish. The state has more parasites living off of the states welfare programs than any other state in the Union. They are reinforcing the parasitic mindset through their soft enforcement of immigration laws and criminal prosecution.
There have been some positive results in elections since the fall of 2010, but, these results can be erased by the Commander In Chief through more of his unilateral action and decrees. It would not be the first time he has taken action above and beyond his authority, or contrary to his Oath of Office.
Here's another view of the President and First Lady at a ceremony for the 9/11 Commemoration:

How is it that the United States has such poor, disrespectful individuals representing her at this time?

"Radicalism" seems to be in vogue. If you're not "radical", you're not part of the "Obama Movement". Their actions and statements are meant to inflame unrest and discontent, which plays into their scheme to commandeer the country and create their supremacy.
They have illustrated, many times, they do not intend to rule with the intentions of the electorate in mind. They have blatantly enriched themselves, while harshly criticizing the people and entities that have become rich through their own altruism, hard labor, and entrepreneurialism.

To date, they have accomplished a bloodless coup over a nation that has been a benefactor to every nation and nationality on earth.

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell.

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